Friday, November 13, 2009

So, Brent and I decided to go away to Greenville for the night. To be honest, the trip was motivated by food. There are 2 restaurants there that I love so we went to one for lunch and the other for dinner! : ) We stayed at a hotel downtown so it was easy to walk the streets and browse during the day and it was still easy to get back to the hotel for Asher's naps. It was a great time to get away from house chores and just enjoy family.

We call our friend here, the suicidal goose.
There's an amazing park right on main street.

He was amazed by the tall water fountain.

Fall leaves at their best!

Our room was awesome. We just realized Asher doesn't nap or sleep well when he can see us in the room! We even covered the sides with towels but he still knew we were there!

When we first got there, he seemed to love his crib! I just think he was glad to be out of the carseat.

The kid loves to handle a steering wheel. He looks so natural too. Hands at 10 and 2!

Fun at the State Fair with Ansley- They hide their excitement well : )

I had to take this to show that it's official...he's got curls!

Fun with Papa...

Always so intrigued with the guitar...

First family trip to the State Fair...