Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I am so blessed! I have a wonderful wife who I am so in love with, a son who I am so in love with, a God who I am trying to Love more and more each day, a family I am so in love with, and each day I to am loved. What a feeling. And how fortunate I am that my son is so loved. We spent some time with Uncle Troy and his girlfriend Kayla tonight. I am so happy that Troy has such a deep love for my son, his nephew. I can see the future, all the time spent around those who want the best for him and all I can think about is how fortunate he is. How many children grow up without the deep rich love that my son is engulfed with? Loved so much by a God they have not yet meet, but void of earthly love. I appreciate all the people in Asher's life who give him love and prayers each day of his life.


  1. It's cool to wake up and check the blogs each morning and see that you are recording all of this. I's like a little time capsule for you - and for Asher. One day, a long time from now - when you and K are old timers, Asher can have access to these thoughts and track your growth as a dad, man, Christian, thinker, philosopher, etc. Keep it up.

    It's also just a good feeling to keep in touch in this casual way. Your mom doing OK?


  2. Mom continues to battle. She had a reaction to the treatment last week, but is gaining strength. Thanks for thinking of her. And thanks for the inspiration to blog. You write so well.
